Donald E. Showalter Retires From Practice
After nearly 59 years, Donald E. Showalter has decided to retire from his law practice. A life-long resident of the Shenandoah Valley, Don began practicing law in 1965 at Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver PLC. The firm appreciates his dedication to serving his clients in our community for nearly six decades. His primary years of practice were spent handling business law transactions and estate and trust matters. In addition, in 1972 Don was honored to have submitted a his friend-of-the-court brief to the United States Supreme Court in support of the Mennonite Church in the case of Wisconsin vs Yoder.
The firm’s Managing Partner, Humes J. “Tripp” Franklin, said “We owe a lot of gratitude to Don for his many years of dedicated service to his clients and the firm. We wish him well during his retirement.”