C. Frank Hilton & Humes J. “Tripp” Franklin, III Received $500,000 Settlement

Family doctor failed to test slow-growing lump on patient’s back Medical Malpractice Verdict – Family doctor failed to test slow-growing lump on patient’s back – $500,000 Settlement By:  Virginia Lawyers Weekly The decedent was an 84-year-old woman in good health who was living alone, cutting her grass with a push mower and driving her car until […]

Humes J. “Tripp” Franklin, III & Thomas E. Ullrich Received a $100,000 Settlement for Client

Premises Liability Case – Slip and Fall on Ice – $100,000 Settlement The injured was a 32-year old married father who slipped and fell while exiting a restaurant.  The gentleman slipped on a nearly invisible patch of ice that had formed as the result of snow melting from the roof and re-freezing on the sidewalk. […]

C. Frank Hilton & Humes J. “Tripp” Franklin, III Received $4,000,000 Verdict

Despite diagnosis of brain swelling, patient not referred to surgeon Medical Malpractice Verdict – Despite diagnosis of brain swelling, patient not referred to surgeon – $4,000,000 Settlement By:  Virginia Lawyers Weekly This case arose from medical care provided to the plaintiff at INOVA Mt. Vernon Rehabilitation Hospital by defendant doctor from Sept. 14 to Oct. 9, 2010. Plaintiff […]

WAW Sponsored a Seminar on Active Shooters In the Workplace

‘Every Employer Has A Duty’ – Police Official Presents Talk On Active Shooters Daily News-Record  – January 20, 2016 ~ By Vic Bradshaw Photo by:  Austin Bachand / DN-R Americans, Wayne Freeman said Tuesday, should prepare themselves for the possibility that someone will enter their workplace intent on killing people, because active-shooter incidents are on […]

C. Frank Hilton & Humes J. “Tripp” Franklin, III Received $300,000 Settlement for Client

Doctors failed to diagnose hematoma before performing hip surgery – $300,000 Settlement Medical Malpractice Verdict – Doctors failed to diagnose hematoma before performing his surgery – $300,000 Settlement By:  Virginia Lawyers Weekly This case arose from the death of an 82-year-old woman in the spring of 2011. In March 2011, the decedent fell at her home while […]

C. Frank Hilton Received $500,000 Settlement for Client

Patient lost finger due to misapplication of tourniquet – $500,000 Settlement Medical Malpractice Verdict – Patient lost finger due to misapplication of tourniquet – $500,000 Settlement By:  Virginia Lawyers Weekly Plaintiff went to a walk-in clinic for removal of a cyst on the ring finger of her left hand.  Outpatient surgery was performed, during which […]

WAW Sponsors an Active Shooter Response Seminar

Labor and employment attorney, Tom Ullrich, will be hosting a seminar on Active Shooters in the Workplace:  Prevention & Response. To view the details about the guest speaker and the seminar location, date and time, please click here

2015 Legal Elite Attorneys

Virginia Business Magazine’s 2015 Legal Elite names 16 WAW attorneys to their annual list. Virginia Business Magazine has named 16 WAW attorneys to their Legal Elite list for 2015 in the following areas of law: Jeffrey R. Adams – Business Law Derek J. Brostek – Civil Litigation Trisha A. Culp – Legal Services/Pro Bono Lauren R. Darden […]

Franklin Teaches CLE

Humes J. “Tripp” Franklin taught a CLE in Richmond early this month. On December 4th our managing partner, Humes J. “Tripp” Franklin, taught a continuing legal education class entitled “How to Try a Case in General District Court” for new lawyers who attended the Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys’ (VADA) new lawyer seminar in Richmond.  The […]

Hilton Selected as a Top Civil Litigation Attorney

Hilton was featured in this month’s “Virginia Business” magazine as one of the top civil litigation attorneys chosen in this year’s Legal Elite balloting. Charles F. “Frank” Hilton was featured in this month’s “Virginia Business” magazine as one of the top civil litigation attorneys chosen in this year’s Legal Elite balloting. Those featured were selected […]

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Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver PLC Welcomes the Attorneys and Staff of Allen & Carwile PC to their Practice

Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver (WAW), with law offices in Harrisonburg and Staunton, is proud to announce that the attorneys and staff of Allen & Carwile will join our practice this April.
tuck accident lawyer

Why Are Car & Trucking Accidents So Prevalent On I-81?

A car or trucking accident can be devastating, and Staunton and Harrisonburg’s proximity to Interstate 81 increases the risk that you’ll be in an accident.
med mal attorneys meeting in conference room

2023 Brings Long-Needed Change To Virginia Motorist Coverage Law.

The year 2023 will bring a welcome, long-needed change to Virginia's uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage law.
lawyer, don showalter

EMU Recognizes Lawyer & Alumnus Donald Showalter

Donald E. Showalter was highlighted in the Eastern Mennonite publication for being awarded the Best Lawyer designation for 16 consecutive years.
staunton lawyer, nicholas dudley

Welcoming The Newest Staunton Lawyer To Our Team!

2022 has been a successful year at Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver, and we’re pleased to announce the newest Staunton lawyer to our team – Nicholas Dudley.
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The Best Lawyers in America Names 7 Attorneys to their Annual List

Seven attorneys with over 275 years of combined experience were named in The Best Lawyers in America 2023 edition.
criminal law attorney

Please Welcome A New Harrisonburg Lawyer To Our Team!

We’re proud to announce the newest Harrisonburg lawyer who has joined the Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver team: Mary Schratwieser.
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Virginia Super Lawyers Names Two Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver PLC Attorneys to Their Annual List

Two Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver PLC attorneys have been named Virginia Super Lawyers for 2022. 
child custody

Announcing Accolades For Our Law Firm & Attorneys.

U.S. News & World Report just issued their 2022 list of the best law firms in the country, and our firm ranked high with eleven practice areas receiving recognition.
criminal defense attorney

New Harrisonburg Lawyers Joining Our Team!

We are pleased to announce the hiring of our newest Harrisonburg lawyers to our team – Emily Gindhart and Andrew Fox.