Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver PLC Welcomes the Attorneys and Staff of Allen & Carwile PC to their Practice
Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver (WAW), with law offices in Harrisonburg and Staunton, is proud to announce that the attorneys and staff of Allen & Carwile will join our practice this April.

Why Are Car & Trucking Accidents So Prevalent On I-81?
A car or trucking accident can be devastating, and Staunton and Harrisonburg’s proximity to Interstate 81 increases the risk that you’ll be in an accident.

2023 Brings Long-Needed Change To Virginia Motorist Coverage Law.
The year 2023 will bring a welcome, long-needed change to Virginia's uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage law.

EMU Recognizes Lawyer & Alumnus Donald Showalter
Donald E. Showalter was highlighted in the Eastern Mennonite publication for being awarded the Best Lawyer designation for 16 consecutive years.

Welcoming The Newest Staunton Lawyer To Our Team!
2022 has been a successful year at Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver, and we’re pleased to announce the newest Staunton lawyer to our team – Nicholas Dudley.

The Best Lawyers in America Names 7 Attorneys to their Annual List
Seven attorneys with over 275 years of combined experience were named in The Best Lawyers in America 2023 edition.

Please Welcome A New Harrisonburg Lawyer To Our Team!
We’re proud to announce the newest Harrisonburg lawyer who has joined the Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver team: Mary Schratwieser.

Virginia Super Lawyers Names Two Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver PLC Attorneys to Their Annual List
Two Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver PLC attorneys have been named Virginia Super Lawyers for 2022.

Announcing Accolades For Our Law Firm & Attorneys.
U.S. News & World Report just issued their 2022 list of the best law firms in the country, and our firm ranked high with eleven practice areas receiving recognition.

New Harrisonburg Lawyers Joining Our Team!
We are pleased to announce the hiring of our newest Harrisonburg lawyers to our team – Emily Gindhart and Andrew Fox.
Why Good Retirement Planning Starts With A Harrisonburg Lawyer.
/in BlogRetirement planning can be complicated, but partnering with a Harrisonburg lawyer can make it easier
An Attorney Details The Long-Term Medical Implications Of An Accident.
/in BlogGetting in an accident is scary and sometimes the shock you experience in the moment can mask physical injuries.
Are You Carrying Enough Car Insurance? Advice From An Experienced Lawyer.
/in BlogWhen you’re a lawyer, people ask you lots of questions on a wide-range of subjects. One of the most prevalent questions is, “how much car insurance should I carry.”
Attorney Frank Hilton Breaks Down ERISA & How It Relates To Your Car Crash.
/in BlogIf you’re injured in an auto accident in Harrisonburg, Staunton or anywhere else in Virginia, an attorney might be the last person you think to call.
A Guide From A Lawyer To Medical Liens After A Car Crash.
/in BlogIf you’ve been injured in a car crash in Harrisonburg, Staunton or anywhere in Virginia, you may need to hire a lawyer.
Estate Planning During COVID: Advice From An Experienced Harrisonburg & Staunton Lawyer.
/in Blog, COVID-19COVID-19 has disrupted daily life as we know it, and it’s no different for our Harrisonburg and Staunton lawyers at Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver.
Is COVID Impacting Your Business? Get Valuable Advice From A Harrisonburg & Staunton Lawyer.
/in Blog, COVID-19COVID-19 continues to impact small businesses in our community. Working with a highly-qualified Harrisonburg and Staunton lawyer can help.
Daniel L. Fitch, Esq. Retirement
/in AccomplishmentsDaniel L. Fitch, Esq. retired from the firm on December 31, 2020 after more than 34 years of practice at Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver PLC. We appreciate all of his efforts over the years and his dedication to his clients, the firm and the community. We wish him well and hope he enjoys his much […]
A Staunton & Harrisonburg Lawyer’s Guide To Getting A Divorce During A Pandemic.
/in Blog, COVID-19A global pandemic, civil unrest, and a tumultuous election season have made 2020 a highly unusual year.
Harris Passes Virginia State Bar Exam
/in AccomplishmentsHARRISONBURG – The law firm of Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver PLC is pleased to announce that Hannah Harris has passed the Virginia State Bar Exam and is now practicing law in our Harrisonburg, VA office. Hannah Harris received her J.D. from Liberty University School of Law this past spring where she participated as a Law […]